Christmas sessions Ottawa Ontario Pretty dreams photography

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November was truly an amazing month here at the Studio, It went so quickly, I still cant believe we are already in December how did that happen? . Its definitely been a year to remember , Its been a year full of change for all of us. So when it came to Christmas sessions, I knew i wanted to make them truly special for the families that where able to pick up a spot for there children.

Exclusive Children Christmas Sessions 2020

Children portrait session walking into the sunsetby Pretty Dreams Photography

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This summer I had some of the most incredible sessions of my career so far, I will try to post them all here over the next few weeks. But I just finished this gallery reveal earlier this week and it’s truly one of those sessions that I love so much and the parents loved and I keep going back to look at even as we speak.

Storybook Vintage Session

3D FX Childhood portrait

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Good Afternoon everyone, I always envisioned my images popping out of there frames and coming to life like a real storybook. I truly can’t wait to share the video below with you, I want to thank Zaman who created this beautiful video and bringing the essence and magic of childhood to life.

The Essence of Childhood

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I am a believer in the essence of childhood, a dreamer of believing each child is amazing, an artist, and also a perfectionist. I don’t just take pictures, I pour my entire heart and soul into creating custom art pieces for your home !

Frequenlty Asked Questions about Pretty Dreams Photograhy Sessions

prettydreams photography

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Happy Black Friday!! I am excited to offer a few different sales for Black Friday . You may only use only one of these sales per Family per session booked. So chose which one fits your needs the best.

Black Friday SALE

pretty dreans photography child portrait

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Fairy tales are truly as old as time , They are a tradition that we pass from generation to generation . There are so many amazing classical stories, that each have a meaning or a moral or a test of character that a child and adult can relate to . These are stories we are exposed to from a young age and then read to our children as the stories are still in our minds.

Little Red Session

Special Winner in AFNS award Pretty Dreams Photography Brockville ontario

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Pretty Dreams Photography Brockville Ontario

AFNS Award

pretty dreams photography, child portriat

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One of the best parts of being a professional child photographer is that I get to have an amazing time releasing all my creativity and having fun with children’s imaginations and capturing what I like to call their “inner magic”. Today I am going to walk you through the process from start to finish and […]

Harry Potter Inspired Sessions