February 17, 2019

Harry Potter Inspired Sessions

Posted in: Children, Fairytale, Magical

One of the best parts of being a professional child photographer is that I get to have an amazing time releasing all my creativity and having fun with children’s imaginations and capturing what I like to call their “inner magic”. Today I am going to walk you through the process from start to finish and just how fun these sessions truly are and what my inspiration is for doing Harry Potter inspired sessions.  The inspiration part was easy, having four children of my own, Harry Potter has always been around the house in some aspect, at least one book is usually floating around, or a 3D HP puzzle is being made or imagination play is taking place. All four of my children have either been read to or are independently reading the books or constantly watching one of the movies. Offering Harry Potter sessions just felt natural to be part of my regular sessions being offered. How does it all start? Well let us begin with a lot of detailed props and planning, I have gathered robes, quidditch sweaters right from Scotland which photograph beautifully, plus all the fun brooms, potions and yes flying books. My favorite location is usually in a  forest area or lately In studio with a magical backdrop to set the mood. The end result is worth every second of planning. I have done lots of  these Harry Potter sessions in some  beautiful outdoor locations, which is always so much fun opportunities but due to the bitter cold and all the snow we have had lately. I was given the opportunity to take three siblings who had booked sessions from outdoors and shifted to In Studio sessions. These three young clients were amazing to work with.

I truly loved the entire experience. Each child patiently waited there turn and had so much enthusiasm that it was truly infectious. As the Harry Potter soundtrack played in the background we worked smoothly and their expressions and imagination was priceless. When we were done, their faces had huge smiles as they left, what they didn’t know was how the actual final product would look. I truly love editing and creating the final images, this is where all the extra creativity and magic happens, from flying books to children flying on booms to adding a beautiful Patronus. I love turning these raw images into scenery’s that look like they just popped out of the story. The editing just flowed seamless and I always play the harry potter soundtracks in the background in a quiet environment while sipping on a peppermint tea from my Harry Potter mug. In my magical Harry Potter inspired sessions, these little elements just lift me up and the inspiration and ideas seem to come naturally. For the gallery reveal, I have to say I was almost emotional this time, seeing the kids faces light up and how they wanted to keep seeing the photo and find all the little details. Their enthusiasm made this entire session compete. I did my best to captured their Inner Magic and create memories the family will cherish and look back on for years to come when magic was a part of their young spirit. Here is just a very small peek at what we captured.

Brockville Photogragher, pretty dreams photography


  1. Julianne says:

    Remarkable! The expressions captured and detail included in each picture is perfect! A story within a story….

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