January 4, 2019


Posted in: Children, Fairytale

Pretty dreams Photography

Do you Believe

To believe is to have trust and faith.

When creating this Fine Art Portrait of little Eva, I wanted the train to represent the choices we make in life. When the child  looks and waits for the train she sees, we wonder if she will board the train. The child has to make a choice to either believe and take the chance and board the train or will she stay behind? As a photographer I believe  there is always a story in each and every photo taken.  This photo represents the choices we constantly make and represents the ones who believe in all the special aspects of life , the inner feeling that never withers or fades away.

It is not always about being able to see and touch to believe, its knowing in your heart that it exists.

As children it is easy to make a decision to believe and children are free to do so , but as you start to move through life that innocence fades and life changes, we start to question our decisions on everything that should easily be believable. When you do believe, your adventures through life can be magical and adventurous.

Some will always have the ability to believe and some don’t, It is up to you to decide if you Believe.

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